Thursday, August 03, 2006

I...I Will Survive

"Well I know karate, Voodoo too
I'm gonna make myself available to you
I don't need no make up
I got real scars
I got hair on my chest
I look good without a shirt"
--Tom Waits

So, it's Thursday evening and I made it through my first class! My co-workers are so wonderful, and they make me feel cocky enough to live up to this song sometimes, though the experiences I have had teaching my first class give me a bit of humility, and more to learn.

Tomorrow, I dive in with both feet hard--working on going forward with my new information literacy class, and bringing it on home-- I need to really get moving with that, and then with working to learn more and more about the resource sharing interface, so that I can effectively teach it to library staff around the Southeast.

Thanks to the sweetest woman I know Dawniepants, for being there for me, for calling me at all the right times to give me support, and for loving me in spite of my flaws. She's kind of cool....sometimes. ;).

Tonight we had dinner and wine, and I'm feeling nice as I write this. Dawn feels dizzy...oh so dizzy, but in the best possible way. Yay!

And to any of the SOLINET crew that read this, thank you again for your great card and gift, and for all the great support you give to me at every turn.

Woo hoo!

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