Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Kansas. Toto. Tornado.

It's right around the lunch hour, so I've decided to start my blog. All the librarians have them now, so, like unto lemmings-- here I go. Apparently, this will make me smarter and more progressive, and will help me to go further/farther faster in my chosen profession.

Previously, I slaved away as a simple, country reference librarian at Mercer University in Macon, Ga. I have now relocated to the big, scary city of Atlanta to work as an Educational Services Librarian for a library network.

So I come to this adventure more unprepared and disorganized personally and interpersonally than in any time in my adult life. It's good for me, because I had grown complacent in my work, and was starting to too readily embrace the status quo.

Here, in the big, scary city, I'm learning and progressing again. It's stressful, but I'm somehow sure that it's good for me. I have to work to get good at things again--from living life from day to day, to doing a very new and different job for a more progressive clientele...lots to do.

So right now, I'll whine for the last time, because I hate whiny blogs. The woman I love is 297 miles away, I'm living with my brother and sister-in-law in Marietta (22 miles and 50 minutes to get to the office) where I am living a monk like existence retiring to my room by 8 PM and watch Mean Girls and Buffy re-runs on my computer-- I'm not eating much, rarely having any fun, and overall, I'm kinda depressed.

Stay tuned. I refuse to whine again, so let's watch as my librarian lack of a life turns into something...or nothing.

Right now, I'm keepin' the hope alive.

"Days up and down they come, like rain on a conga drum
forget most remember some
but don't turn none away."


Anonymous said...

I love the visual I get when I think about monks watching Buffy on their laptops

Russell Palmer said...
