Sunday, November 19, 2006

Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely....time

Sorry dear readers, it's been awhile. I've a had a lot on my plate as the new job has finally moved into full swing. I really dig it, even the travel--though I'm still at that stage with a job where there are good weeks and bad weeks, and any time you are putting yourself out there the way you do when you train, you are bound to run into a buzz saw or three from time to time.

There are the "I'm going to ask you this, just to see if you know people."

There are the angry "I haven't taken any of the pre-requisites for this class, but why doesn't what you are presenting make sense to me?" people.

There are the "Hmm, what if I need to know this obscure and useless detail, let me ask hoooaahhahaha" people.

Largely, however, this job brings me to good people who I enjoy working with.

So that's enough about the job.

In other news, I've started playing drums with a little alt-country music band with a few friends in Atlanta. I'm feeling pretty lost with it at this point, but it's been a pretty fun Sunday afternoon activity for me lately. I know I'm a mediocre drummer, but Troy, Mike, and Aaron have been supportive and kind to let me play along.

I'm excited about the holidays. Thanksgiving is just in a few short days, and I'm looking forward to a fun and restful couple of days of cooking with mom, dad, and Dawn, seeing family, and of course, eating the goods!

Then we're off on a road trip through the lower midwest and into Chicago for the Christmas holidays.

Fun in the car.

We discovered our local public library branch this week. They have lots of CD's and books on tape, so, that'll help with the long trip into the great big open flat 0f Indiana and Illinois.

And that's about it for now. I appreciate your patience. I've made road trips to Raleigh, NC and Johnson City, TN since you heard from me last on the Travelblogue, so look for more there soon.

1 comment:

Button Gwinnett said...

Welcome back! I'm glad you mentioned books on cd. I never buy them because I'm too much of a tactile person I suppose. But for many of us who are travelling this week, checking one out from the local library might just be the trick.

Safe travels.....