Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Horse is a Horse...Barbaro

It's a sad state of affairs when the American health care system is in the toilet, 46 Million or so Americans don't have health insurance, and suddenly, the attention of our country drifts to a dead horse who got better treatment than any of the rest of us....


I wish I got this kind of attention from my doctor!

And I know there's a horse joke here somewhere, given our doctor's pose.... but it's a solemn moment in our nations history so...I'll just...let it...(grits teeth) go... s i g h.


Russell Palmer said...

and the obvious comment..."I'm rubber, you're glue...

Anonymous said...

Well written article.

Russell Palmer said...

Thank you. Honestly, I've changed my mind a little bit about this, since that poor horse broke its leg just after the KY Derby this year. I'm sympathetic to the animals, and that we need to take better care of them so that these types of things don't happen.